Trains, Boats & Planes

Travelling by car allows you to see the most of Vietnam, but it can be slow. So if you want to speed things up a bit, we can arrange alternative means of transport for you.


Vietnam has one main rail line linking Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, passing through the likes of Phan Thiet, Nha Trang, Danang and Hue. We can book tickets for the whole route or the section of your choice, including luxury sleeper accommodation. We can also book tickets for the luxury Hanoi-Sapa route.


With 3,400 km of coastline and countless islands and rivers, boats are a great way to see Vietnam. We can book Halong Bay junks, Mekong Delta sampans, Nha Trang Bay cruises, Phu Quoc fishing trips, and even trips up the Mekong to Cambodia and Laos.


Sometimes you just need to get there quickly, so we can book domestic flights on all routes, as well as transfers to get you to and from the airport.